Archive for March, 2013

Muse sculpture photos

Monday, March 25th, 2013

These aren’t the final photos, but here are some initial photos of the mirror-polished stainless steel sculpture, Muse, after it was installed a couple weeks ago:


Muse mirror polished stainless steel sculpture


Muse mirror polished stainless steel sculpture


Muse mirror polished stainless steel sculpture


Muse mirror polished stainless steel sculpture

Muse sculpture installation video

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

A short video of craning the 18′ tall mirror-polished stainless steel sculpture MUSE into place. The sculpture was still in a protective wrap at this point. Photos of the completed install will be posted soon after the dedication of the sculpture on March 30.

Craning the “Muse” sculpture into place. from Heath Satow on Vimeo.